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October 23, 2008


Awesome: Reading such happiness in your writing. It's nice to know the universe giveth sometimes as well as taketh away.


I love Sukkot. We've been putting up a Sukkah for 6 years - the first three we tried to build our own - the last half we put up our premade Sukkah.

Have you tried Simchat Torah? My first celebration of that one - and it was fun!

Glad you experienced Sukkos. As a pilgrimage festival, it is much more important than Chanukah! Such a nice holiday, and an essential component of the whole season; observing the Yamim Noraim and then ignoring what immediately follows doesn't make sense to me.

You list of awesome experiences is lovely. May you have only good things in the new year.

Go Phillies!

Go Phils!!

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