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January 19, 2009


Don't leave us hanging...LOL Need more soon take care and be well.

Yay! The most eagerly-awaited birth story has begun!

Yippee!! The story has begun!

Serial birth story! Awesome.

Can't wait to hear the rest! I was in Brazil, but I'm finally back. Can't wait to meet Daphne. The name of my toughest, but brightest committee member and, because of that very reason, such a strong name for me!

Oh you TEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, I remember Sophia's birth story and thinking the same thing I'm thinking now: More! More! More!!!!

You are way too coherent to have just recently given birth. Shouldn't you be in a dazed fog? Like for the next 10 months (like me)?

CONGRATULATIONS! Love the name, look forward to reading the rest of the story, but for God's sake, take your time, you're making the rest of us look bad!

Just remember it's important to write it while it's all still fresh(hint, hint) :)

Thanks for the installment! You are so awesome for getting started so soon!

Can't wait to read the rest! And can I be really jealous of how close you are to whole foods? Thanks.


I think she's just trying to up her page count stats by teasing us with installments. COuldn't possibly be that she's trapped under a nursling or anything.

Yay, the story!

(and DAMN, because I think it took me two weeks just to remember my name)

Impressed that you are writing already!

What, if anything, rational or "woo," do you think might have prompted the labor to finally begin?

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