I think we talked about this before, right? How some of us get huge waves of energy and creativity, and you have to learn to ride it because count on it, sister, it is gonna recede?
It's exhausting to be all rolled up in one. But I'm getting so much done. I only have five months. After which point I am either in school or it's The Nothing. You know, that roiling cloud in the Neverending Story that eats everything. So one or the other but it's a deadline, either way. I think, what, two books and a finished house? Ducks in a row. Freezer full of enchiladas. A place for everything. Everything in its place.
I have to get a piano. Next week. A good old one with a voice of its own.
Would I be more productive if I didn't have children? Maybe not. There would be no urgency. Nothing kicking me in the back, literally and figuratively. This morning I woke up to Daphne's tiny fingers on my neck, her babyish face whispering a reassurance directly into my mouth: "Mama, I will never leave you again."
Yeah. I don't know either. But okay, sweetie. See that you don't.
Hi Weston,I guess theorectically they could. The elahlcnge is getting the detailed factory information you need.MEC is disclosing its factory base this year. This means names and addresses of where its goods are manufactured.However, this info will not be linked to factory audit results. We can't do this for two big reasons:1. Libel risk. MEC is a business. Our contract factories are a business. If we were to disclose what we believe their warts are on the internet we can be sued.2. Business ethics. If a factory cheats on its taxes, it's really a matter between MEC and the factory and especially between the factory and Revenue Canada. Unless, the factory's tax evasion is some how threatening the public good or you individually, you really don't have a right to know.These are some of the constraints we're facing.
Posted by: Karen | April 02, 2012 at 01:52 PM